Legal Notice

General company data

Media owner and publisher:      Felbermayr Holding GmbH
Registered office:       Voralpenstraße 4, A-4600 Wels
Telephone:   +43 5 0695-0
E-Mail:   office@­
Legal form:   Limited liability company
Place of jurisdiction:   Wels/Oberösterreich
Commercial register number:   347483f
Business purpose:   Transport and Lifting Technology, Building and Construction, Maritime Logistics Services
Owners:   Gisela Felbermayr, DI Horst Felbermayr
Managing Director:   DI Horst Felbermayr, Andrea Felbermayr, Mag. Alfred Feldbauer
Supervisory Board:   Mag. Alfred Düsing (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Georg Starhemberg (Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board), ​​​​​Gisela Felbermayr, Ingeborg Gratz-Neudecker, Mag. Georg Kirchmayr
Technical implementation of the site:   SIWA Online GmbH - the TYPO3 experts
Basic direction of the site:   Providing information on the company and associated services
  For reasons of linguistic simplification and improved readability, all statements
on this website are to be understood as gender-neutral.

Felbermayr Holding GmbH and their Austrian subsidiaries are members of the Austrian chamber
of commerce. Further information for this can be found at:

Company Country VAT ID
Felbermayr Holding GmbH Austria ATU65945515
Felbermayr GmbH Austria ATU50560307
Felbermayr Transport- und Hebetechnik GmbH & Co KG Austria ATU55116109
Felbermayr Bau GmbH & Co KG Austria ATU55116207
Sareno Objektisolierung Ges. m. b. H. & Co KG Austria ATU43455408
IS Baubetrieb GmbH Austria ATU68022203
Danner Landschaftsbau GmbH Austria ATU67322836
WEST-ASPHALT Straßenbaugesellschaft m.b.H.   Austria ATU41543905
Felbermayr Bulgaria EOOD Bulgaria BG175329295
Felbermayr Deutschland GmbH Germany DE121397233
Felbermayr Bau GmbH & Co KG Germany DE241498447
Wimmer Maschinentransporte GmbH Germany DE275194042
Hagn Umwelttechnik GmbH Germany DE281857912
Domarin Tief-, Wasserbau-, Schiffahrtsgesellschaft m.b.H. Germany DE130953854
Domarin GmbH Schifffahrt-, Havarien-, Leichterungen Germany DE188829059
Erlenbacher Schiffswerft-, Maschinen- und Stahlbau GmbH Germany DE188829075
Bau-Trans AG Liechtenstein CHE477767392
Felbermayr Polska Sp.z.o.o. Poland PL8992732577
Felbermayr Romania S.R.L Romania RO18265450
Felbermayr Slovakia, s.r.o. Slovakia SK2020281406
Felbermayr Transport- und Hebetechnik, spol.s r.o. Czech Republic CZ63907127
Bau-Trans Kft. Hungary HU10225761


Felbermayr Holding GmbH has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate and complete at the time of publication. Nevertheless, unintentional and accidental errors may have occurred, for which we apologise. Felbermayr Holding GmbH provides no guarantee and assumes no liability for the information made available on this website, such as hyperlinks or other content that are used either directly or indirectly by the Felbermayr website. Felbermayr Holding GmbH furthermore reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice.

Felbermayr Holding GmbH denies all liability for incorrect or missing information on the Felbermayr website which is why all decisions based on the information provided on the Felbermayr website are the sole responsibility of the user. Felbermayr Holding GmbH denies all liability for direct, specific damages or follow-up damages of any kind resulting for whatever reason from the indirect or direct use of the information provided on the Felbermayr website. Unless otherwise specified the copyright for all documents provided on the Felbermayr website and materials used to create these documents is the property of Felbermayr Holding GmbH.

With regard to all rights (e.g. property, industrial property rights, copyright), no license or other right is granted to anyone. Reproduction of the documents is permitted for personal and informative use only and any other reproduction or use is expressly prohibited. The use of marks (e.g. brands, logos), regardless of the presence of an ® or ™ symbol, is expressly prohibited. All previously mentioned rules also apply to software that can directly or indirectly be downloaded from or used on the Felbermayr website. Insofar as third party software is accessed via hyperlinks, the regulations of this provider apply and its rights must be observed. All users of the Felbermayr website providing information to Felbermayr Holding GmbH agrees that Felbermayr Holding  GmbH receives all rights to this information and that Felbermayr Holding GmbH may use it in every way it sees fit. The information provided by the user is not subject to confidentiality. The user’s personal data is subject to the Data Protection Act (DSG) and is only used by Felbermayr Holding  GmbH to such an extent as is required for personal advice or customer master data administration.